Sunday, December 13, 2009

Slow progress, shower, and holiday traditions

Today marks 36 weeks of pregnancy. On one hand it seems like time is finally flying, and on the other hand... good lawd, this gestating thing takes for-evv-errr.

Say it, Squints.

At this point, every day is a little more uncomfortable than the one before. Which makes me nervous for the weeks to come. But the craziness of everything going on lately will hopefully make it go by quickly.

35 weeks

36 weeks

In the midst of all the craziness, our families threw us a beautiful baby shower and we are so grateful for all the work that went into it, as well as all the amazing gifts!

I didn't get many photos, as I was too busy stuffing my swolen face with delicious food and tallying up our loot. Class-ay.

Now that we're heading in to the home stretch, nights and weekends are mostly spent getting ready for baby. I've come to the conclusion that not everything has to be be D-U-N DONE RIGHT NOW OMG BABY'S COMING QUICK FREAK OUT!! As long as we have all the essentials ready, which we pretty much do, everything will be fiiiine. But sometimes the panic sets in and I get all crazy irrational (i.e., pregnant) and something might be chucked in the trash or bitten off at the neck. (Sorry Tone. Luvs ya.)

That this is one of the busiest times of the year, both at work and at home, adds a bit to the stress. Lots and lots of holiday parties, birthday celebrations, dinners, showers, doctor appointments... all in between work (which is nutso) and sleep. And taking a few breaths here and there.

Speaking of holiday parties, it's a Cawley family tradition to hold Christmas a few weeks early for the siblings and all our kids. It helps to make Christmas day not so CRAZY with the whole family around. It's typically held at my mom's house in Marshfield, but my sister Maureen stepped up and offered her house when mom caught The Bug a few days prior. No matter where it's held, it's always a great time. The kids love it, and us big kids love it too.

Crazy to think that next year there will be another little boy in the mix!

How many times did I use the word 'crazy' in this entry? Tons. That's about right.

Oh, we're also hosting Christmas Eve with Tony's fam this year. I'll be 38 weeks pregnant. Should I use that word again? I think I should... CRAZY.

Happy holidays!

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