Friday, June 12, 2009

Slated for an updated...

Sarah promised pictures, so I am here to deliver.

As mentioned, the boys are hard at work on the slate tile. Here are some before and after (well, in progrss) shots


Entry way

As you can see, Nick is on the ground doing the grunt work. Number one, he is shorter so he doesn't have to bend over as far. Number two, he is half Italian so working with stone and mortar is in his blood. Paul used his skills to make all of the cuts on the tile.

And now for a big surprise that Sarah doesn't even know about! (until she reads this). Work has begun on the steps! On my visit home for lunch today, I was surprised to hear a nail gun.

This is what they looked like when we left the house this morning.

When I delivered burritos for lunch, muco progresso had been made

You can see Paul taking pride in his work. He didn't even drink a beer for lunch because he wanted to stay sharp, or choice, as we call it. Many props to both of those guys.

I'm psyched to see what the place looks like when I get home...

1 comment:

Mike said...

Wow, everything looks like it is coming along really nicely!

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